General Ledger Budgets - FAQ
Q. When I create a new G/L account, why doesn't it automatically appear in my budgets?
A. The GL.MDB database, which holds the current general ledger table, also contains many other tables. And because changing the G/L isn't an everyday thing, we've provided an option called "Synchronize G/L" on the main General Ledger menu that ensures that all budgets have the same account information that the main general ledger table has.
Q. When I go to budgets, nothing is there. How/where do I start?
A. If no accounts are displayed when you go to the g/l budget, be sure to select the "Synchronize G/L" option. This should load the current general ledger into the budget tables. Alternately, you also have the capability on the budget screen to "import" a budget from one of the other G/L tables. You can also import them and factor them upward or downward by a certain percentage at the same time. You can also delete the whole budget and reimport it again from either the current g/l or one of the other g/l tables -- the list displays the options.
Q. I've keyed a budget but when I print it, there are no totals. How do I get it to total?
A. On the budget screen is a button called "DOWNADD." Click this button to perform the addition of all the detail items in your budget into the totallers. This isn't automatic -- you have to select it. You only have to do the DOWNADD after making a change in your budget.