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Club Office "How-to" Procedures

Operation Manuals in PDF

  1. manual - Config
  2. manual - Login/Menu/Utils
  3. manual - Membership
  4. manual - Accounts Receivable
  5. manual - General Ledger
  6. manual - Accounts Payable
  7. manual - Employee & Payroll
  8. manual - Inventory
  9. manual - Fixed Assets
  10. manual - Report Generator
  11. manual - SQLPos Point of Sale
  12. manual - TimeClock
  13. manual - Event Manager
  14. manual - Online Statements
  15. manual - QuickBooks G/L Interface
  16. manual - RM Photo Viewer - for Restaurant Manager
  17. manual - Restaurant Manager POS Interface
  18. manual - Micros POS Interface
  19. manual - HourGlass Golf Reservations
  20. manual - Networking
  21. manual - Troubleshooting Printers
  22. manual - CEXML Export
  23. manual - AutoCharge
  24. manual - Lockbox Secure Data Storage
  25. manual - PATS

Windows 7 Issues & Solutions

  1. Missing Outlook Express
  2. Generating E*Statements - Error -2147190908
  3. Archiving Statements - Error -2147190908
  4. Sending E*Statements - Error 48389


  1. How to pay an employee different rates for a job based on time of day
  2. How to "turn off" an employee deduction
  3. How to change an employee deduction rate
  4. How to "finish" a quarter when you originally forgot to do it
  5. How to fix an erroneous payroll or payroll entry - four scenarios
  6. How to withhold extra FICA from an employee's paycheck
  7. How to move "Additional withholding" from FITTAX to FICATAX
  8. "Bonus Mode" and how it works
  9. How can I hide the Social Security number on payroll checks?
  10. How can I change a check number?
  11. How does payroll accrual work?
  12. How can I get payroll checks to show in the checkbook?
  13. What is an ICESA diskette? How do I make it?
  14. I need to reprint my W-2s from last year. How do I do that?
  15. I'm supposed to file electronically. How does one do that?

Accounts Payable

  1. What 1099-type do I use at the end of the year?
  2. How can I reprint a check?
  3. How can I change a check number?

Accounts Receivable

  1. How to make a "bad debt write-off" via accounts receivable
  2. How to set up Installments
  3. How to set up Prepaid Minimums
  4. How to set up Prepaid Dues
  5. Problem - installments show no value on statements
  6. What's the difference between a "Credit" and an "Adjustment?"
  7. I accidentally imported POS transactions twice. How can I fix it?
  8. How do I close A/R at the end of a year?

Fixed Assets

  1. How can I create back-dated fixed assets?
  2. How does AutoPost™ work?

General Ledger

  1. How to modify/delete journal entries while in "speed key" mode
  2. General Ledger End-of-Year FAQ's
  3. General Ledger Budgets - FAQ
  4. How to make a one-sided journal entry - and why this could happen...
  5. Unable to delete a journal entry - "Posted entries or entries out of the current period cannot be deleted" message appears
  6. How to Close a G/L Period
  7. How to Close a G/L Fiscal Year

General Setup

  1. How to move Club Office to a different computer
  2. How to move a POS Interface to a different computer
  3. List of possible Crystal Error messages when printing

General Operational Issues

  1. How to fix a database that has become "corrupt"
  2. How to start the Administrative Editor
  3. How to restore a particular file from a backup
  4. How to restore a network connection
  5. How to determine what a module's version number is and why it's important
  6. How to send us a backup of your system's data
  7. How to remove the "read only" attribute on a file
  8. Solving "3043-Disk or network error" messages
  9. How to know what type of backup to use in any situation
  10. How to install a new font in Windows
  11. How to solve Crystal Report error # 20513
  12. How to create a desktop shortcut to run the backup/restore module
  13. How to download and install an update
  14. How to fix the "Login Not Authorized" message

Networking Matters

  1. How to add a network workstation node to Club Office
  2. How to move a current network workstation node to a different computer
  3. How to restore a network connection
  4. How to Move Club Office from an Old Server Computer to a New Server

Performance Issues

  1. My system takes a long time to come up
  2. Performance over the network is really slow
  3. A/R processing takes longer than it used to
  4. My backups take a long time and a lot of diskettes
  5. G/L runs slower at the end of the year than at the beginning

Questions? Send mail to:
Copyright © 2018 Club Data Corporation. All rights reserved.
Revised: January 05, 2022

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The operation manuals are well-illustrated and users have told us they're also easy to understand. All features and functions are fully explained and we bet that you'll learn things from them!