How To Fix the "Login Not Authorized" message

The following message may appears for several different reasons. These are explained below, along with suggestions about what to do.

Check your spelling/typing.
User and password with wrong case or spelling may be rejected. The system sees "BOB" and "Bob" as two possibly different people.
Spelling may match and let you in but it will not be recognized when you log out. This is an interesting anomaly of the SQL language, which sometimes views UPPER and lower case issues differently.

Check the Club Office monitor module (monitor.exe)
Monitor will display users that are logged into the system. It's an indicator for who is having the trouble. The icon for the module looks like a hospital EKG monitor...

Make sure you are not trying to log in twice.
If Club Office is minimized on your taskbar then it is easy to try to login a second time. However, you'll get a message that tells you that Club Office is already running. You'll find it on your taskbar -- click on it to return the menu to the screen.

Make sure your shortcut is setup for proper user (1..2..3).
If you share the user number you will run into traffic jams. Your startup shortcut on your desktop has a number at the end of the target line. For example, your shortcut might read like this:  p:\cdco\cdco.exe 1 where the 1 at the end of the line indicates that you're logged in as user #1. There can only be one user #1 on your network. If you have several computers set up so that each logs in as #1, you will encounter problems. Call us for help.

Did the power go out recently while you were logged in, or did your computer crash recently?
If this is the case, Club Office thinks you're still logged in because you were unable to log out properly. Use the global logout password (see below) to fix it. Note that using the task manager to "end task" to end Club Office can simulate exactly the same situation as a power outage.

Database Corruption
It's possible that either or both the traffic and user databases have a problem of some sort. Use the MDBFIX tool (green triangle) to rebuild and repair them. Then try again..


  1. Start Club Office and get to the main login screen.
  2. Press the ENTER key for the name (leave it blank)
  3. Type 911 as the password and press ENTER. A special "LOG OUT" button will appear.
  4. Press ENTER again to clear the log file.
  5. Now log in again -- you should be fine.


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