Suggested daily closeout procedure
Having written procedures for your staff to follow is a good idea. You may wish to use the following as a step-by-step guide to help you construct the procedure that's just right for your operation.
Make sure all other registers are logged out of InfoTouch.
Make sure all sales transactions that you intend to be included in today's sales are finished. This includes any "HOLD" or "SUSPENDED" sales transactions.
Make a backup. Be sure to label the backup with the date and time it was completed, and also note that it was made "before closeout."
Print whatever special transaction reports you need from the transaction manager. At the minimum, you should print the following reports:
* Register Daily Report
* Register Detail Report
* Sales by Tender
* Department Sales
* Daily A/R Activity (if you use any customer charge functions at all)If you print special inventory, customer or employee reports prior to closing out, print those too.
Balance the cash drawer.
Make sure an adequate supply of paper is in the report printer to print the closeout reports you have set to print automatically.
Start the InfoTouch daily closeout.
Gather the printed reports and bundle with the copies of receipts, cash, checks, backup disks, etc.; put all in a locked storage box or safe.
Leave the cash drawer OPEN, whether you keep cash in the drawer or not overnight. (If a burglar breaks in, at least he/she won't break your equipment to get into the cash drawer) Optional: Set up the cash drawer with the proper starting cash and change for the next day.
Make sure the receipt printer has sufficient paper to start the next day's business; replace roll if necessary.
Be sure you have completely logged OUT of InfoTouch.
Optional: Power the computer system off in the proper manner.