Suggested weekly closeout procedure
Having written procedures for your staff to follow is a good idea. You may wish to use the following as a step-by-step guide to help you construct the procedure that's just right for your operation.
If you perform weekly closeouts, you should always perform them on the same day of the week so that your sales data contains exactly 7 days, and before any transactions are entered into the system on the first day of the next week.
Make sure all other registers are logged out of InfoTouch.
Perform all the functions of your normal DAILY CLOSEOUT procedure first.
Print any special inventory, customer or employee reports that you need on a weekly basis.
Make sure an adequate supply of paper is in the report printer to print the closeout reports you have set to print automatically.
Perform the InfoTouch weekly closeout.
Note: while a weekly closeout isn't a necessity, some businesses that use InfoTouch to help calculate payroll or other time-sensitive issues sometimes find weekly closeouts to be helpful. At the very least, it gives you comparative sales information that helps you chart your sales on a weekly basis.