Suggested monthly closeout procedure
Having written procedures for your staff to follow is a good idea. You may wish to use the following as a step-by-step guide to help you construct the procedure that's just right for your operation.
You should perform this function before any transactions are made in the new month.
Make sure all other registers are logged out of InfoTouch.
Perform all the functions of your normal DAILY CLOSEOUT procedure first.
If you do a weekly closeout, you should perform that closeout as well.
Print any special inventory, customer or employee reports that you need on a monthly basis.
Make a separate monthly backup. Be sure to label the backup with the date and time it was completed, and also note that it was made "before monthly closeout."
Make sure an adequate supply of paper is in the report printer to print the closeout reports you have set to print automatically.
Perform the InfoTouch monthly closeout.
Store the monthly backup in a safe place. Should something happen to your system during the next month, you'll at least have a good starting place to reconstruct the month (you'd restore your system with the backup you made immediately prior to the monthly closeout, perform the monthly closeout, and then add in sales/other transactions to bring your system up to date.)
Note: You should consider a monthly closeout to be a necessary part of running your business.