How to use the security settings to prevent accidental problems
InfoTouch provides two security levels with an option of a third. The third is activated by changing the "record only" function in miscellaneous setup to be a security level. Typically this becomes the "assistant-manager" level, leaving the "manager" and "owner" levels intact.
InfoTouch security consists of assigning different passwords to the various security levels and then various levels to buttons on the InfoTouch screens. Depending on which level is applied to the button, the button becomes increasingly "secure." To use a "secure" button, the user must satisfy the assigned password for that button. It's important to understand that the owner level password will satisfy any level, while the manager level password will satisfy only the manager and assistant manager level and the assistant manager password will satisfy only items set with the assistant manager level. In its native state, no security of any type is implemented in an InfoTouch system.
When InfoTouch starts, the normal view is the main menu screen. It's a good idea to assign security levels to the main buttons. By doing so, you're assuring that only your staff can get into your InfoTouch system, which keeps other prying eyes out of your important data. Here's a basic recommendation for the main menu:
- Register - asst. mgr.
- Inventory - asst. mgr.
- Employees - manager (or possibly owner)
- Customers - asst. mgr.
- Utility - asst. mgr.
- Backup - asst. mgr.
- Setup - owner
Within the inventory menu, you may want to utilize a few different settings to protect some functions a bit further, which still allows the asst. mgr the ability to make some modifications and print reports.
- Create - manager
- Delete - manager
- Transform - manager
Purchase Order Module Security
Because this module is so closely tied to the inventory module, you may wish to consider similar security settings. If you don't use the purchase order module, set it's security to owner level.
Depending on the level used at the main menu, additional settings may be necessary. If the owner level was used to access the employee module, there's no reason to set any further security inside the module itself unless you want to prevent the accidental running of the year-end function in the middle of a year.
It may be helpful to change some of the settings inside the customer module:
- Create - manager
- Delete - manager
- Accounts Receivable - manager
- Customer setup (DOS version) - owner
Most of the items inside the utility menu are pretty safe, although a couple are critical that only the owner be allowed access:
- Modify vertical - owner
- Restore - owner
If the main menu level is set to "owner," there's no need to change any individual items inside the setup module itself. However, if the main menu access to setup is set to "manager," then you may wish to set specific items inside the setup module to the owner level.
- Cancel - set this to asst. mgr. level to prevent accidentally quitting the register. On slower computers, sometimes it may take upwards of two minutes to restart the register -- this could be a nice convenience.
- Print/No Print/Open Drawer - set this to asst. mgr. level to prevent accidentally turning the receipt printer "off."
- Register buttons: many of the register function buttons could be locked out of daily use by setting them to owner level: as post void, discounts, coupons and price level. Others such as exchange, return sale and custom order/layaway may require manager level for your store. Before you set their levels, think about what they do so that you don't cripple your employees' ability to serve your customers by locking too much of it out of their access.
- Manager menu: It's a good idea to assign the manager or owner level to the setup buttons and special customer options. (DOS users: the CLOSEOUT functions are inside the manager menu. It's a good idea to set the weekly and monthly closeout options to manager and the yearly closeout to owner level.)
Transaction Manager (InfoTouch 2000 only)
Many of the functions that are in the manager menu in the DOS version of InfoTouch have been moved and expanded in the InfoTouch 2000 Transaction Manager.
- Closeouts - set the weekly and monthly closeouts to manager level and the yearly closeout to owner level.
- Cash drawer setup, delete suspended transactions, gift certificates, TDL or other interfaces: you may wish to set these to manager or owner level, depending on whether you use them or just want to prevent their use.