Procedure: Account Adjustment
InfoTouchs manager menu includes a Special Customer Options button which facilitates receiving payments on account, layaways, customer waiting orders, and account adjustment. Account adjustment should be considered a manager function as opposed to a clerk function since its impact is oriented more to the general ledger than to sales and is, therefore, more of a back-office function than a sales counter function. Accounts are typically adjusted out of customer good will, account cancellation, or sometimes clerk errors in receiving payments on account. A typical example is when a customer has a credit balance on his/her account and wants a refund.
Use of any of the Special Customer Options may be reported in the Register Detail Report on a daily basis.
NOTICE: This feature appeared with InfoTouch version 7.52 along with a bug in the reporting of the transaction on the General Ledger Audit Trail (adjusting an account to give credit also erroneously generates an entry for RETURNS-NON INVENTORY) throwing the GL balance off. The bug will be removed in version 7.52c. See the notice at the bottom of the page.
- If the adjustment is to CREDIT the account, enter the amount as a POSITIVE number
- If the adjustment is to reduce their credit (i.e. a debit), enter the minus sign, followed by the amount of the adjustment.
NOTICE concerning the "bug"
When you look at your daily GL printout (if you use it), you may see offsetting values for GL account #1250 (Adjustments - on account) and #2251 (Returns - Non Inventory). You may also see the GLs debit and credit columns wont balance (this is the bug). The column which does NOT have a value for GL account #2251 is correct.