Network Topology Models - SQLPos POS

To a large degree, the way your network is physically connected can cause significant changes in your POS operations -- especially when using Internet-based credit card processing. Of course, in any network design, if the connection to the main server goes down, the SQLPos units automatically go into an "offline mode" and function independently because the Club Office databases on the server are no longer available. Both of the models below include a main file server and four SQLPos POS Units.

This diagram represents one network model that works very well and is quite common in homes that have broadband Internet connections. The model uses a "DHCP router" to translate multiple internal computer connections to the one main connection to the Internet. In some cases, the DSL/Cable Modem and DHCP Router are made as a single piece of equipment. The benefit to such a network model is that if the server goes down, each SQLPos unit can continue to process credit card transactions because each computer still has access to the Internet through the router independently of the server computer. However, this model also requires more attention to security matters in that each computer must have up-to-date antivirus/other security software running to help prevent attacks from "the outside."



This network model is more common in businesses that use a main file server also as its "DHCP server" instead of using a DHCP router. The Server has two network cards installed -- one is connected to the Internet side and the other connected to the local network so that the server is is between the two -- it's actually a "gateway" to the Internet connection. In such a design, all Internet traffic both in and out must flow through the server. This model provides for a higher level of security and easier centralized network control. However, should the server go down, the POS units can no longer get through it and therefore, they would be unable to process credit card transactions.




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