InfoTouch Utilities HOW-TO
Warning: Don't use these unless you are under the careful watch of a Club Data tech support person. Careless or improper use of some of these utilities can wreak havoc with your data! Some self-help is described below, but if there's no description, call us and we'll walk you through using the utility.
clockout.exe - forces clockout of employees. Solves "bad punch" error message. Step-by-step how-to:
- Get to a DOS prompt in the \TNS directory.
- Type the following and hit ENTER: btrieve5 /m:38 /p:4096 /c /e
- Type the following and hit ENTER: clockout
- Follow the instructions at the bottom of the screen. Press the spacebar to go from one employee to the next. Type the letter Y to "clock out" various employees that the system thinks are still "clocked in." When all have been clocked out, you can restart InfoTouch and the error message should not appear.
del_edc.exe - delete electronic data capture transactions. Don't use this without talking to us first.
edsales.exe - edit dept wtd, mtd, ytd sales totals directly; then use upd8sale.exe to bring the system current from data in the inv.db file. Requires edsales_.exe to work. Be sure to download the edsales_.exe file, the upd8sale.exe file and the using edsales.doc file, too.
edsales_.exe - companion file to edsales.exe. Necessary for edsales.exe to work. (This is actually a different file from the edsales.exe item above -- it's actually called edsales_.exe and you can't see the _ character)
fix_inv.exe - Fix invoice numbers. Use in case an invoice number goes negative. How to use:
- Get to a DOS prompt in the \TNS directory.
- Type the following and hit ENTER: btrieve5 /m:38 /p:4096 /c /e
- Type the following and hit ENTER: FIX_INV
- Follow the on-screen directions to fix invoices numbers that are out-of-whack.
- When done, hit ESC to exit, restart your InfoTouch system.
microcal.doc - Word document - we wrote this a long time ago... Just download it, print it and follow it.
microcal.hlp - help file for the microcal utility.
mcalinst.doc - how to install a Microtouch monitor for the first time. Word document, - microcal utility, help files, etc. in one zip file.Unzip in \TNS directory.
microcal.exe - microcal utility to reprogram Microtouch serial controller
startsrv.bat - sample startup for networked server. How to use:
- Put the file in the \TNS directory. Name it: startsrv.bat
- Use the file to start InfoTouch by just running it directly: startsrv
startreg.bat - sample startup for networked register. How to use:
- Put the file in the \TNS directory. Name it: startreg.bat
- Each register starts the startreg.bat file by using a different parameter. For example, register 2's startup would be: startreg 02 and register 3's startup would be: startreg 03
- Note that to use this file you also need the TII_SETN.EXE file which should also be stored in the \TNS directory. TII_SETN helps set the network name of the register so that InfoTouch can identify the different registers during operation.
calibreg.bat - a simple batch file that allows calibrating any register on the network. How to use:
- Put the file in the \TNS directory. Name it: calibreg.bat
- Each register that uses a touch screen uses a different parameter. For example, to calibrate register 2's monitor, the command would be calibreg 02 - handy program to "browse" text files. Makes browsing archived closeout reports a snap. Does not include any printing capability. How to use:
- Put the file in the \TNS directory. Name it
- Get to a DOS prompt in the \TNS directory.
- Type browse <filename> where <filename> is the name of the file you want to read. For example, browse gl10.log (Remember, it won't work for anything but text files.) - a great program to help you find things on a computer. How to use:
- Put the file in your \WINDOWS directory.
- Get to a DOS prompt anywhere on your system
- Type the follwoing: where <filename> where <filename> is the name of the file you want to find. Example: where *.doc to find all DOC type files.
bufix.bat - the batch file that controls butil.exe automatically. Usage: bufix <filename>. Here's an example to fix the inv.db file: bufix inv
bufix.doc - how to use bufix and what it does.
butil.exe - database repair utility To use:
- Put the file in your \TNS directory
- Get to a DOS prompt in the \TNS directory
- Type the following and hit ENTER: btrieve5 /m:38 /p:4096 /c /e
- Type the following and hit ENTER to see the list of commands: butil
tii.ico - the Touch Industries InfoTouch shortcut icon - handy for creating desktop shortcuts.
tii_setn.exe - used to set the NETBIOS network name of the register into memory. How to use:
- Put the file in your \TNS directory
- Get to a DOS prompt in the \TNS directory
- Type tii_setn regxx where xx is the number of the register. Example: tii_setn reg02
upd8sale.exe - used in conjunction with edsales.exe to bring a system current after first setting totals with edsales.exe. Usage: upd8sale 05/10/2000
using edsales.doc - a Word document that briefly explains how to use the edsales and upd8sales modules to repair totals that have somehow gotten out of whack.
it-win95.doc - a Word document explaining how to network InfoTouch on Windows networks. - a file sharing utility to force sharing on DOS machines for InfoTouch prior to version 7.8. Usage: flag_tsr on the server computer only somewhere in the computer's startup.
prt_comp.hp - the InfoTouch driver to put HP-laser compatible printers into compressed mode. To use:
- Put the file in your \TNS directory. Name it: prt_comp.dat
- InfoTouch will automatically use it foor printing reports once it's there.
pro_norm.hp - the InfoTouch driver to put HP-laser compatible printers into normal mode. To use:
- Put the file in your \TNS directory. Name it: prt_norm.dat
- InfoTouch will automatically use it foor printing reports once it's there.
prt_pre.hp - the InfoTouch driver to establish printer connections for captured printers. Startreg.bat uses this in the startup.
picp.bat - the batch file to control the physical inventory collection process (hence PICP) when using a Metrologic ScanPal Data Collector with InfoTouch. If using this, be sure to download picp.bat, preproc.exe, scanpal.exe, and scanpal.dat as well. (preproc.bas is optional)
preproc.exe - the preprocessor file to convert a line-delimited ASCII file into the proper format to load into the InfoTouch phys.exe module. Requires picp.bat for control.
preproc.bas - source code for preproc.exe. You can run this directly using gwbasic.exe or load it into quickbasic.
scanpal.exe - the data download program provided with the Metrologic ScanPal data collector. Also get the scanpal.dat file as well for proper communication parameters.
scanpal.dat - proper communication parameters for the scanpal data collector when connected to a PC's serial port. Be sure to download scanpal.exe as well.