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Office: 952-239-8290   


Software Update Policy

Frequency of Updates

Club Data typically issues multiple software updates annually. The updates are made available on the support web site for eligible end users to download and install on their systems.

We may periodically issue a special individual module or multiple-module update if the changes or new features are significant enough to warrant its release. Such updates are made available on the support web site in exactly the same way as normal updates.

Club Office Accounting software actually expires on the 15th of the month following the close of a calendar quarter: expiration dates are April 15, July 15, October 15 and January 15th. It is the end-user's responsibility to maintain his/her software on a timely basis.

Software Version Identification

Each update version includes a date and time stamp in the format YY.MM.DDx where YY is the year, MM the month and DD the day. The x at the end is an alphabetic character denoting the revision made on any specific day in case multiple revisions have been made that day. For example, 06.10.11c would be the third revision made on October 11, 2006 -- the third revision because the letter "c" is the third letter of the alphabet. 11.09.08a would mean the "a" revision made on September 8, 2011.

Update versions on the support web site are clearly marked as to their version number -- the version number is displayed immediately before the DOWNLOAD NOW button. If a module is not version-dependent, no version number will be displayed. In most cases, all the modules in a software update will generally contain the same version date/time stamp.

The version of a individual Club Office module on your computer system can be displayed by clicking on the "INFO" menu selection along the top of the screen. A panel will appear that displays the name of the module followed by the version number.

Unless directed by your technical representative, you should NEVER install a version that is OLDER than what you currently have on your computer. For example, version 06.09.29a would be older than version 08.10.11c because a version created on October 11, 2008 would be newer than a version created in September 29, 2006.

Your software configuration determines what updates to install

  • If you have ONLY Club Office Accounting: download and install the updatecdco.exe module.
  • If you have BOTH Club Office Accounting and SQLPos POS, you have two choices:
    • Download and install the updatecdcoplus.exe module (if available). Then use the SQLPos Control Panel to push the new software out to the remote workstations. This is the preferred method and easiest to manage.
    • Or, a second, less-convenient option is to download the following: updatecdco.exe, up-add-sqlpos.exe, and updatesqlpos.exe modules. Then install updatecdco.exe and up-add-sqlpos.exe which will ready the main Club Office programs area. Then install updatesqlpos.exe on each of the workstations to update them individually. The second method is prescribed if you have permanent, off-line workstations that are never connected to the network, such as what you might have on a halfway house or beverage cart on the golf course.
  • If you have TimeClock, you must download the updatetimeclock.exe module and update each TimeClock workstation individually. It's a good idea to install the up-add-tclick.exe module to Club Office at the same time. The TimeClock update is completely separate from all other Club Office software.
  • If you have Event Manager, you must download the upeventmgr.exe module and update each TimeClock workstation individually. The TimeClock update is completely separate from all other Club Office software.

Shared Responsibility

It is Club Data's responsibility to produce timely and meaningful updates to its software and to make those updates available to users who are eligible to receive them.

It is clearly the responsibility of the end user to maintain his/her software with the most current version.  While Club Data may periodically elect to notify end users that a new version is available, it is our assumption that end users will follow through with keeping their systems up-to-date without any prompting from us.

Supporting issues that have already been "Fixed" via a prior software update

While most of our software updates contain enhancements, they sometimes contain "fixes" to problems that users have reported. This fixed software may be referred to as a "software patch" instead of an update, but the terms are synonymous.

When a user notifies us that he/she is having a problem and we identify that the problem has already been solved via an earlier software update, it is incumbent upon the end user to update his/her software to effect the patch.

IMPORTANT: Users who encounter such problems yet have not keep their software current may be subject to charges for the additional support time required to re-solve a problem that had already been solved at an earlier date and which would have been fixed had the user kept his/her software up-to-date. To eliminate such charges on your account, please keep your software current.

Left Click or Right Click?

The LEFT mouse button causes "action" while the RIGHT mouse button is for "information." Try it yourself: the menu you get with the left mouse is quite a bit different from the menu you receive from a right-click. Get to know what's on those menus because there's often some extremely helpful links on each type.